Are you preparing to file a claim for social security disability benefits? More than 8.2 million people receive disability benefits each year in the United States.
Although thousands of people file disability claims each year, you must do it the right way. If not, you are at risk of having your claim denied or not receiving the full amount of your benefits.
Read on to learn the 5 advantages of hiring a disability lawyer to handle your case!
1. Filing Initial Claim
Preparation of the claim is the first step in the disability claim process. It’s crucial to do this right or you may have a delay in processing your claim. Your lawyer should draft your claim with language that maximizes the amounts for your disability.
An experienced attorney will know the proper language and the state of the law so that your claim is not denied. If a lawyer presents your claim well, it will help it move through the process faster.
2. Evidence Management
Your claim form is only one part of the social security disability process. Your attorney will also need to submit all documentary evidence the Social Security Administration needs to support your claims.
During the process, this will also require your attorney to be clear and have regular communication with your doctors in order to assist the government’s office. You’ll need an attorney to develop your strategy for presenting your case as soon as possible.
3. Hearing Representation
Before you receive an award for disability benefits, you will go before a judge to present your case. This is your chance to persuade the judge and convince him or her that you should receive your benefits.
Preparation for the hearing begins long before you walk into court. Your attorney will spend time sitting down with you and going over your testimony and the evidence to present.
They will also prepare for cross-examination of the government’s expert witness. This is crucial to giving you the best chance to win your case.
4. Legal Writing Ability
Your attorney has gotten persuasive writing and argument experience through their legal education. Whether your attorney is preparing the claim documents or presenting your case in court, these skills are important for your case.
Legal writing presentation and style are much different than the way a non-lawyer drafts a document. You will be at a disadvantage in your disability claim if you try to do things on your own.
5. Filing of Appeals
It’s not unusual for the government to deny someone’s disability claim. Even if they have a reasonable basis for making it in the first place. If you are in the unfortunate position of denial, you need an attorney to act fast on your behalf.
Hiring a lawyer will allow you to receive legal advice before you file your claim and in the event of an appeal too.
The Importance of Hiring a Disability Lawyer
Don’t underestimate the importance of hiring a disability lawyer for your case. Social security disability is a unique area of the law and finding an attorney to represent you is a must.
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