Cockroaches can cause a lot of trouble in your home. In addition to being ugly, they carry things like feces on their bodies. These substances may be released into the atmosphere by them, leading to asthma episodes or allergic reactions.
Asthma or allergies may also be triggered by contaminants from dead roaches, body pieces, or excrement. Furthermore, roaches can contaminate your food, cutlery, and even the surfaces you use to cook it. Health risks, including infections and food poisoning, could result from this. However, there may be risks related to some of the methods individuals use to get rid of cockroaches. Contact Saela Pest Control if you are facing health issues due to cockroach infestation.
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Does cockroach infestation cause allergies?
You can determine if your home is infested with cockroaches in a variety of ways.
- Seeing live cockroaches: After sunset, you can notice cockroaches scuttling across surfaces or on walls and ceilings because they are most active at night.
- Spotting live cockroaches: They might look like tiny mouse droppings or ground peppers. They are present in locations where cockroaches feed and reside. Furthermore, you can see stains in the corners of rooms or on the tops of doors that mimic dark patches or streaks that are brought on by the cockroach’s excrement.
- Smelling musty odor: If there is a significant infestation, cockroaches can be recognized by their musty, unpleasant odor.
- Spotting shed skins: Cockroaches lose their exoskeletons as they mature, leaving behind tiny, translucent skin pieces.
- Seeing eggs or egg cases: Usually, cockroaches release their eggs in places that are difficult for people to get to, such as cracks, fractures, or the space under appliances.
Do Cockroaches Pose a Danger?
Although they are not especially dangerous and will not assault or bite you, cockroaches have the ability to make you ill. Cockroaches shed body parts and release saliva and feces as they travel through your home. These substances behave similarly to dust mites in your home when they are released into the atmosphere. When you inhale them, they may cause allergies or asthma.
Are cockroaches disease-carrying insects?
According to studies, 33 different species of bacteria, six distinct kinds of parasitic worms, and seven different kinds of illnesses are spread by cockroaches. Cockroaches can transmit the following diseases and illnesses:
- Cholera
- Diarrhea
- Typhoid Fever
- Leprosy
- Plague
- Dysentery
- Poliomyelitis
- E. Coli and Salmonella
Symptoms of Cockroach Allergy
Chronic symptoms from cockroach allergens can last longer than those from other seasonal allergies. If not, cockroach allergy symptoms will be similar to that of other allergies. Consult a doctor about getting tested to find out whether you have a cockroach allergy.
If you have any of the following symptoms, you might be sensitive to cockroaches:
- Rashes on the skin
- Wheezing and coughing
- Nose congestion
- Ear infection
- Infection of the sinuses
Ways to get rid of them?
You can get rid of cockroaches and their allergens or germs in a number of ways. Consider:
- Using extermination, chemicals, or traps
If the issue is bad, consider using insecticides and bait traps or hire a professional to do it. Additionally, you may experiment with Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies that match your needs.
- Maintaining the cleanliness of your house
Cleaning is necessary to avoid developing an atmosphere that promotes cockroach growth. Scraps of food should be wiped from the floor and beneath big furniture. Roaches may find food hidden under appliances like your stove and refrigerator, which are an easy source of nourishment.
- Reducing the humidity
As was previously stated, cockroaches like humid conditions. Most roaches and other household pests will not be able to thrive in your home if there are no humid areas.
- Target approach
Identify the areas of your house where allergens from cockroaches gather and take care of them. This includes spaces like furniture, carpets, clothes, and mattresses. Make sure to cover your mattresses and pillows and wash your bedding in hot water at least each week. Never leave extraneous furniture and fabrics around, as they may contain allergens and pests.