If you start a business, it is not just your business; it is your passion, which is a part of your life. Trade is essential for your livelihood. It’s just not only for you but also for your employees. For this, you need to keep an eye on the safety of your use. So, we can give you a solution about protecting your business.
When it comes to protecting your business, the first thing to think about is the security of your business. We have created a security solution for your business that adapts to the needs of your business. As your business grows, the company can deal with any new threats or opportunities. Ensuring the safety of the office and the preservation of property is an essential issue for every owner. One of the popular tools for preventing burglaries and thefts is installing an electronic lock on the door. If you are worried about the High-security locks of your business, then we can give you a good solution. With this registration, you will get a clear idea of using high-security lock in your industry.
Design and device:
Despite the wide range of electric locks, the way they work and the general construction are identical. The main elements that are part of any electronic lock:
The electronic unit is responsible for storing and reading the information, based on which the door is open using a standard or other type of key. It sends a signal to the electronic access, due to which the locking mechanism’s operation is carried out.
- Electromechanical locking – usually, an electromagnetic bolt is used in this capacity. Provides voltage to trigger the solenoid coil, which retracts the deadbolt.
- Return spring – automatically returns to its original position after the electronic unit and the bolt are triggered.
Principle of the electronic lock:
The electronic lock, regardless of the type, operates from the electrical network. It is a central problem with locks of this type – if the electricity does not work correctly and the network lines are interrupted, there may be problems opening the door or its inaccessibility altogether. When the battery in the device is discharge, a characteristic signal will be heard, notifying the owner, and using SMS; you can program the system to send SMS to the smartphone automatically.
Is it safe to use such a lock?
The electronic door lock belongs to the category of the most reliable since no standard key is used to open it, which is not a problem to lose or steal. Anyone cannot unlock the door with an electronic lock pick, but only a specialist in this field can completely disassemble it with special equipment. Most thieves bypass doors with electronic locks since learning how to open them is a real problem.
For example, a lock of a combined type consists of a chain of elements: if an attempt to open the first lock is unsuccessful, the rest will be automatically locked since they work in a single system. When trying to break the door, the lock owner will receive an alert on his smartphone.
Which one is better to choose?
A few point on how to choose the best electronic lock made of metal or titanium:
Determine how the lock opens – WI-Fi, mobile communications, SMS. In the first case, there is a risk that the network will turn off at the wrong time; in the second – that the device will be stolen.
Electric and electric locks are automatically locked in a power outage, ensuring safety; the electromagnetic one opens.
It would be best not to choose cheap devices since it is much easier to influence them with electronic master keys.