Video content dominates the internet. By 2022, Cisco predicts that video will account for 82% of global Internet traffic. The reason for the popularity of video is clear. The video provides a multidimensional experience that has a lasting impact on the human psyche. As a result, videos have higher retention and recall than plain text and still images.
Video is so effective that 81% of brands take advantage of video marketing. And YouTube is the platform they chose because of its pure simplicity and huge user base. The second most popular website in the world, YouTube is visited by 1.9 billion people every month. YouTube offers a wealth of opportunities for marketers and influencers. You can increase brand awareness and sales through YouTube video marketing.
A survey of YouTubers by Think With Google found that 90% of people discovered new brands and products on YouTube. Fifty percent of respondents say the video shaped the final purchase decision. As of May 2019, over 500 hours of video content is uploaded to YouTube every minute. This number is expected to increase in the future.
For all these reasons, the competition on YouTube is fierce. To make your videos stand out and shine in the ocean of this content, you need to create eye-catching thumbnails. Thumbnails determine whether the viewer clicks on your video or scrolls past it. Thumbnails often determine the fate of a video.
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Thumbnail for YouTube
- What is a YouTube thumbnail?
- How can I create great YouTube thumbnails?
- Best practices for creating custom YouTube thumbnails
- Ready to create the best YouTube thumbnails?
What is a thumbnail for YouTube ?
Thumbnail for YouTube videos is small clickable images that appear next to your video. This is the first thing you see when browsing the platform.
A good first impression will last a long time. YouTube thumbnails give viewers a first impression of the video. You can let the viewer click on the video or simply ignore it. There are several other reasons why YouTube thumbnails are important.
Thumbnails that get attention can get a lot of attention to your content and get the first attention. It also provides tips on the context of the video.
Thumbnails are a small element of your overall video marketing strategy, but they can greatly improve your branding. Signature styles on thumbnails allow viewers to start branding and associating with it. You can increase your brand’s recall value by creating repeated impressions with thumbnails.
The photos not only give a glimpse of the stunning places Matt covers in each video, but also establish his personal brand. Even viewers unfamiliar with Como will want to click on their videos. Most of it comes from eye-catching thumbnails.
That’s the importance of YouTube thumbnails.
How can I create great Thumbnail for YouTube videos
You can create Thumbnail for YouTube videos while uploading to YouTube.
Step 1
After logging in to the platform, click on the avatar in the upper right corner of the interface. Select the YouTube Studio option from the menu that appears.
Step 2
In channel dashboard, [ moving the upload button] Click it.
Step 3
Select the video you want to upload and publish.
Step 4
Enter the video details and wait for the video to finish processing.
Step 5
As the video is processed, you will see a selection of three auto-generated thumbnails at the bottom of the interface. Select the one that will appeal, [ Next a button can proceed to the next step by clicking on it.
Step 6
If you upload a custom thumbnail, you will be prompted to verify your account by email or by registered phone number.
Unfortunately, YouTube doesn’t have built-in tools for designing video thumbnails. However, you can use photo editing tools such as Canva and StockPhoto to design your own thumbnails.
Fortunately, YouTube allows you to change thumbnails even after you publish your video. However, if you follow the best practices recommended below, you do not need to do this.
Best practices for creating custom Thumbnail for YouTube videos
Creating a custom thumbnail for YouTube is not as easy as taking a photo and uploading it to YouTube. Not only that. Follow these best practices when designing click-worthy thumbnails.
Correct thumbnail size
According to YouTube guidelines, the ideal thumbnail size is 1280 x 720 pixels and the aspect ratio is 16: 9. The width should not exceed 640 pixels.
If you have a large number of image options, choose one that is not too small. Enlarging the image often distorts the resolution. Note that when you embed a video in an email or social post, you’ll see the same thumbnail. Therefore, keep the size as close to the recommended size as possible.
Choose a great photo as a thumbnail background
Thumbnails need a very attractive background to get the viewer’s attention. It should not be bland or general. Check out the video titled “The Truth About the Origin of Hair Extensions” in Refinery29 ‘s YouTube thumbnails .
This video is ranked high by the keyword “Where did the extension come from?” And you can see why. A photo of a woman staring straight at the camera with her hair cut off looks impressive and dark, as in the video topic. Other videos are far from the Refinery29 videos in terms of views. Most of them have thumbnails, which are still images captured from the video. It cannot capture the viewer’s imagination or curiosity. Therefore, they do not gather opinions.
Thumbnails are like a video teaser. Viewers should be able to guess the context of the video at a glance at the thumbnails. At the same time, you don’t want to give too much. Infographics Show stimulates curiosity through thumbnail headlines. The brand is popular for presenting scientific facts in interesting ways. They apply the same principles to thumbnail headlines and have earned millions of views.
Annotate thumbnails in style
However, including headings in thumbnails can add compelling value to the background image. For one thing, it provides more context. For example, if the video is a tutorial, the thumbnails need to tell the viewer.
Yoga With Adrienne is the top YouTube channel for posting yoga demos and tutorials. Check out their thumbnail headings.
It doesn’t look clunky and provides enough information about what you can expect when a viewer clicks on a video.
Note how font variations break the monotony and brighten the look. In the case of thumbnails, the purpose is to make a quick impression and convey important information. Therefore, make the font readable and bold. If you have a series of videos, it makes sense to use the numbered thumbnail headings. Adrienne has a 30-day yoga challenge on her channel. She uses “Day 1” to “Day 30” in the thumbnails, so viewers can see which video they need to watch next just by looking at the thumbnails.
Brand thumbnails
As mentioned, thumbnails provide an opportunity to boost your visual branding. Use a consistent color scheme and style, including the brand logo. This sets it apart from the content of its competitors.

Home Depot nails YouTube thumbnails. They use their signature orange and brown color scheme and sneak into the logo in the corner. The color contrast makes the headline stand out on a busy background.
Get a good thumbnail for YouTube maker
You can try the online thumbnail maker for a hassle-free design of thumbnails. Tools like Canva, Adobe Spark, and Snappa have a great collection of presets and user-friendly editors.

Most of these tools have a royalty-free stock photo library. Some tools, such as Snappa, have add-on features for creating Facebook cover photos and Instagram highlight covers. You don’t have to worry about choosing the right color, font, or size for your thumbnails.
Do not use click bait tactics
Seducing viewers with misleading headlines and images in thumbnails is more harmful than profitable. Not only do viewers leave your videos in the huff, but YouTube also doesn’t favorably see high bounce rates. Search rankings on the platform can be degraded.
If you’re short on ideas, use the best frame of your video or associated stock photos as thumbnails. Provide context to your audience and maintain your brand’s reputation. If your content is good, it will ultimately gain traction. You just have to be patient and tenacious.
Ready to create the best YouTube thumbnails?
The importance of thumbnails on YouTube cannot be exaggerated. They can literally make or break your video. They can boost your channel rankings and greatly complement your branding efforts. Use the tips, examples, and resources provided in this post to eliminate guesswork from thumbnail creation and create very successful thumbnails.