Today, there are numerous approaches to earn money through online mediums. What’s more, its interest has likewise expanded among every age group. Since the present time, individuals have been expanding their businesses online to reach wider and targeted audiences, to reach on the top of search results and be the No. 1 brand on digital platforms among competitors, email marketing came up as an opportunity where using various tools and methods, businesses can now earn and grow at a faster pace.
The first marketing email was sent in the year 1978. Do you know what was the result of the marketing email? It made a business of $13 million. Can you believe it? This is definitely a shocking fact, but since then email has turned out to be an effective marketing option says Gaurav heera.
Fax-to-email services allow you to send faxes to any email address, including a Gmail account. fax to email in your Gmail inbox as an attachment. You can send the fax to your Gmail account using either a fax-to-email service or a traditional fax machine. Examples of fax-to-email services include MetroFax, eFax and myFax.
Earlier, it was said that, with the emergence of the social media era, email marketing is completely dead and there is no positive effect of it now, but to be very honest, it has proven to be a myth.
If you also want to learn the effective email marketing tips, then, this article will help you to market your business in a better way to give you guaranteed success.
Let us first know what Email Marketing is?
Today marketing campaigns are helping businesses to grow their brand or sell their products with the help of marketing techniques by using some most popular and effective tools. It is the best way of promoting businesses products and services as well as to bring more loyalty among the customers says Gaurav heera.
Email Marketing is one such form of promotion that can make clients on your email lists aware of your product and of the new offers and discounts. It is a gentle reminder to your clients of your product and services to keep them engaged and in the middle of purchase. One such effective way of promoting your product through email is cold email.
Tips of making Email Marketing successful:
Email has become a particularly famous marketing strategy for organisations halfway on the grounds that it powers the client to make some sort of action either read them, delete them or archive. But to decide to whom to send emails as part of email marketing is a tough choice.
1.Provide Discounts To Gain Subscribers.
Marketers should always use such a strategy where it can give users or audiences a good reason to subscribe to your channel or follow your brand. If you will start offering giveaways or free discounts, then this will not only generate organic traffic to your webpages but also attract them to come back again and recommend your offers to others. Make sure your offers should be tempting and let them hold their memberships.
2.Keep registration process easier.
The registration process should be visible on site with the benefits that the customer can avail and also seek lesser information in order to keep your customer interested as the more you will inquire, the less they will be interested. As for today’s generation, they quickly lose their interest in anything. The simpler you keep this registration process, the more active and easily customers will be available to avail it. For example, only the email address and their name can be sufficient information. If you give more options to fill columns then this, maybe they will leave the site immediately.
3. Your Subjects should be attention seeking.
For any frequent Email user, It takes hardly a minute to decide whether they have to keep their emails or delete them immediately. Keeping this in mind, it is very important to use catchy and attentive subject lines that can hold recipients to read the mail further and get an idea of what benefits, services or discounts the company is providing. If you want to gain more subscribers then you should be mentioning benefits of subscribing in the subject line itself.
4. Personalised Emails recommended
Continuously remember that people for most of the time don’t care for accepting messages that they have nothing to do with. They don’t care for investing their energy pursuing content that will not give them any profit. Try addressing them by their name to radiate the feeling that what you need to say is important. By basically adding your beneficiary’s name in the title and main text of your email, you can drastically build your open rate. Make sure whatever content you are delivering is pertinent to your customer before you address them by their name otherwise you will end up disappointing them and it will become a cause to quit according to Gaurav Heera.
5. Use Call-To-Action messages.
If you have certain goals to market your campaign then the objective should be to grab the reader’s interest or attention. Make sure you plan your strategies and messages in a way that can prompt your customers to visit your website where they can decide to make a purchase or avail your services. Use call to action statements to engage them properly.
Email marketing is a completely developed and very much utilised strategy in today’s time for business advancement through interactive messages in emails. It is practical, effortlessly executed and gives a decent effect on your missions. Email promotion doesn’t supplant your other advertising exercises however praises them incredibly well. This process is very easy to implement and prove to be effective especially among customers who are your existing customers and even to them who are your unknown recipients yet. By following all the above tips from the article, you can have guaranteed success while using email marketing strategies, but you have to make sure that there are many other factors as well as which are involved in the growth of businesses, which if you want to learn, you can start with pursuing Digital Marketing Courses.
About the Author – Gaurav Heera is a Digital Marketing strategist with ten years of consulting & training experience. He has worked with major brands such as, an institute known best for its digital marketing training in Delhi.