Whenever you take your kid to a pediatric optometrist Calgary, you can expect certain things. The professional will evaluate the overall health of your child’s vision. Also, vision acuity and signs of any common eye conditions will be evaluated. Here are certain things that the pediatric optometrist will evaluate:
You might have heard about near-sightedness. Optometrists call it myopia. This is a common problem and studies show that by 2050, at least 50% of the population will have this condition.
In case, your child has myopia, he/she can see objects that are close clearly. But, things that are farther might appear blurry.
The thing to remember here is that myopia is progressive. So, it can worsen when your kid grows. If not treated, it can lead to serious complications. But, with the guidance of an optometrist, the right steps can be taken for myopia control. In turn, its progression can be prevented.
Common called crossed eyes, this is a condition, where the eyes do not point in the same direction. If you see that your kid’s eyes look misaligned, it might be strabismus. This happens because the eye muscles do not work together properly. This can affect the vision of your kid to a great extent.
This condition is common in childhood though it can develop occasionally in adults. In adults, it happens only after a trauma. Some babies under 6 months may appear to have misaligned eyes. However, it need not have to be strabismus always. Still, it would be safe to get it evaluated by a pediatric optometrist. If not treated, the crossed eyes can weaken and can become lazy eyes.
This is the technical term used by optometrists to denote lazy eyes. Even though this condition is referred to as lazy eyes, the weaker eye is not lazy. Different factors contribute to amblyopia. Among them, the most common is a huge variation in prescriptions between both eyes.
In other words, the eye with a weaker prescription will direct perfect pictures to the brain. However, the eye with a stronger prescription cannot see things as well. In turn, the brain ignores the blurry images that the eye sends. In the long run, the association between the eye with the stronger prescription and the brain turns weaker. It evenstopped working for some kids.
If not treated, Amblyopia can lead to lasting reduction in vision or even blindness in one of the eyes. However, the best pediatric optometrist can spot this condition early and can give timely treatment. In turn, loss of vision can be prevented.
These are the few things that a pediatric optometrist in Calgary will evaluate when examining the eyes of your kid. Make sure to regularly visit this professional at least once a year if the vision is normal for your kid. In case, there is an issue, the pediatric optometrist might increase the frequency of visits.
When you take your child to a pediatric optometrist in Calgary, they undergo specialized eye exams tailored to their age and needs. These exams assess visual development, eye health, and any potential vision issues. Pediatric optometrists are trained to work with children and create a comfortable environment to ensure accurate evaluations. They may also provide guidance on eye care and address any concerns you have about your child’s vision.